
Fire man jokes
Fire man jokes

fire man jokes

fire man jokes

When faced with hardship he believed the Sun God would guide him. His will at this was shown to be so strong that he resisted every attempt at reduce him to a drone with no sense of self. Even as a child, Joker was shown to be deeply curious about the unjust nature of the world and wanted to be strong enough to find and understand the answers to his questions. He values the pursuit of truth above all else, believing that truth is only valuable form of justice and that he should abandon all restraints to find it. Joker is a mischievous man who works behind the scenes to accomplish his goals. Joker proclaiming his desire to unravel the truth. While wearing his outfit, Joker also ties his hair back. Beneath his overcoat, Joker wears black trousers, a white, x-shaped belt resembling a sword girdle, a white shirt with sewn stitches across the arms and a black waistcoat with similar stitch marks. He has also donned a dark overcoat and a lightly colored scarf. Later on, Joker is seen wearing dark jumper with two hearts on the left side of his chest. He is commonly seen smoking a cigarette, and usually carries a menacing grin on his face. His typical outfit resembles the dress of Victorian or Edwardian gentlemen: a black bowler hat, white button up dress shirt underneath a waistcoat (burgundy red in the anime), an ascot or cravat or red scarf around his neck, trousers, a purple bandana covering his left eye, and (possibly) black Oxford shoes. Despite being a drifter of sorts, Joker is surprisingly well-dressed. The football player made a breathtaking catch, and everybody cheered.Joker is a tall man with long, black, stringy hair that falls below his shoulders, and a concentric circle-shaped iris in his right gray eye (purple in the anime).


He said, “I’m a professional football player and I’m sure to catch the baby safely.”Īfter a few more minutes more of pleading and reassurances from the man, the mother finally let the child drop. Things looked grim until a tall, well-built man burst through the crowd and shouted to the women. The firefighters told her to drop the child out the window and they would catch it with the net they had placed under it. There was a huge fire downtown one day and the firemen were having a bit of trouble.Ī young woman was stuck on the fourth floor with her baby.

fire man jokes

The chief replied, “I walked out five hundred feet, followed some tracks, and got hit by a train.” The rookie and the captain asked him, “What the hell happened to you?” He came back an hour later, all mangled up and bloody. The chief not wanting to be out done said, “I’m out of here, I’m going to bag the biggest buck of the day.” The chief asked him, “How did you get that?” and the captain said, “I walked out a hundred feet, followed some tracks and shot this buck.” Half an hour later he came back with a 6 point buck. The captain then said, “I’ve had enough of this too, I’m going to get my deer.” The rookie said, “I walked out fifty feet, followed some tracks and shot this buck.” The captain and the chief asked him, “How did you get that?” Finally they came across an old shack where they went inside to play a game of poker.Īfter losing a few hands, the rookie threw down his cards and said “That does it! I’m going out to get me a deer.”įifteen minutes later, the rookie came back with a nice four point buck. The weather was miserable and they hadn’t seen any deer all day. There was a rookie, a captain, and a chief. Three firefighters went out on a hunting trip one day. Just then, a paramedic arrived, quickly ran over to the firefighter and said, “Hey Chief! You better get that kid’s ass out of the water before you pump that lake dry”. The firefighter feared this would never stop. Each time the firefighter pumped more water came out.Ī short time later seaweed started coming out, then minnows, then more water started coming out of the boy’s mouth. Luckily there was a firefighter by the lake who swam out and pulled the boy up onto theĪ crowed gathered round and watched as the firefighter frantically pumped on the boys chest. He soon got into trouble though and was starting to drown. His friend shouted after him, “Hey Bill, I didn’t know you were a fireman?”īill replied, “I’m not, but my girlfriend’s husband is…” One of the guys jumped up and headed for the door. Two guys were sitting having a quiet drink in a coffee shop one day.

Fire man jokes